When God created you and me , he was involved , thats why Psalms 139:13-16 tells us '' you made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb ...it says '' you watched me as i was being formed in utter seclusion ...You saw me before i was born , everyday of my life was recorded in your book .''Every moment was laid out before before a single day had passed'' (New living translation).
Imagine - God is so intensely interested in us that he preplanned every moment of everyday of our lives .God knows exactly what he created us to do, and he never changes his mind (Proverbs 19:21) His plan doesn't consist of just a few loosely held together ideas either . No ,God knows our potential .Every moment of our lives is important to him .
Acccording to Ephesians 2:10 , ''we are God's(own) handiwork (his workmanship) , recreated in Christ Jesus , (born again) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand ) for us ( taking paths which he prepared ahead of time ) , that we should walk in them.
''God has prepared ahead of time a good path that leads to the good life '' He has laid out a perfect plan that leads to joy and fulfillment . But the choice to walk in his plan is ours .-- We can live a natural mediocre life ,a barely get by existance and still go to heaven when we die Or we can get in on the 'good stuff '....'' living the good life which he pre arranged and made ready for us to live '' !
Yet many people ( even among us born again people ) choose not to follow God's plan for their lives.
Always struggling , they live in misery as they do their own way .They miss out on heaven here in the earth (Deuteronomy 11:21) and they don't have to .They could say yes to God's plan .
May be you'd say ''brother David , I've made a mess of my life , i've done things my own way and now am in big trouble . I can't see any way out ''
Well no matter what situation you are in today , i want you to know that God is Big enough to help you .He has a plan to get you out of that trouble and into his blessing .But you have to go through the right door and get in on the right path.
Jesus is the Door
The way to go through the door of blessing and get on God's plan is to be bornagain . Jesus says 'Iam the door ; any one who enters in through me will be saved (will live)...I came that they may have life and enjoy life and have it in abundance (to the full , till it overflows )''
John 10:9-10(amplified Bible ). If Jesus hadn't paid the price for sin , this kind of life would'nt be possible .
However Jesus has already done everything it takes to provide an abundant life for you .You just have to cooperate with him so receive Jesus as your saviour and lord , get in his word , pray then take the next step he shows you .
Thats how you get on God's plan thats how you walk out of that trouble and begin enjoying life .Iam not telling you everything thats wrong wil be fixed overnight-- but if you stick with God , things will begin to change... you will begin to change