Paul had just proven through the life of Abraham that justification came by faith. He then made the statement that these truths about Abraham were not written in scripture for his sake alone, but so that we could also be justified by faith (Rom. 4:23-24). So, having established justification by faith, he now moves on to some of the benefits of being justified by faith instead of works.
The first benefit of being justified by faith instead of works that Paul mentions is peace. Peace can only come when we relate to God on the basis of faith in what He did for us instead of what we do for Him. A person who is thinking that he must perform up to some standard to be accepted with God will have no peace. That puts the burden of salvation on our shoulders and we can't bear that load.
We were incapable of living holy enough to please God before we were saved and we are incapable of living holy enough to please God now that we are saved (Heb. 11:6). We got saved by faith and we have to continue to walk with God by faith (Col. 2:6). Not understanding this has caused many Christians who love God to not enjoy the peace that was provided them through faith in Jesus. This is the gospel of peace (Luke. 2:14; Rom. 10:15; Eph. 6:15).