In every place we went to, I saw people worshiping so deeply and the one conducting these meetings in each of those places was so into the spirit that every one in the congregation was filled with a great fear for God as if a being from heaven had come to conduct the meeting, he was surrounded by the presence of God, I could feel this while in the vision. While there the Lord spoke to me and said, ‘Do you see how I’ve poured out MY Spirit unto the world’ Then a book was brought and was given to the preacher, the words that were read from this book, whenever read out felt like a sword placed into your heart –they would dig deep into your heart to cause you to admit whatever wrong you’ve ever committed. This was done in all the churches (allow me call them that) according to the vision, as you’re going to see below:
When we went to the last church, the spirit spoke to me and said; See for yourself, at the reading of the word, only those that are standing right with me in truth will sit down, surely- for I know each one’s heart .The word was read out and here I didn’t pick the exact words because this word was like a spirit sent into your heart to uncover all hidden things in you, I also felt it digging deep into me. Other wise I think I should say, you couldn’t hear it with your ears but with your heart – your inner person. At the speaking of the word, very few people sat down as it had been said that those that are standing right with God in every way would sit down at the reading of that word .Then a voice spoke out to every one in that place saying; ‘Is it true that if I came back today, you would stand worthy! You that are seated! Here, I begun to see many getting back on their feet because they realized that there was nothing that could be hidden at this moment. When I looked at the number, of those that remained seated, my spirit grieved so deeply.
Here the Lord told me, do you see that you have a great task to accomplish, churches are full with people that can not see heaven just in case HE (JESUS) comes back in such a time! Full of hatred and many other sins of the heart! Brethren take heed, are you led by the spirit - because the Spirit of God will only lead you to the Father and no other. What gospel have you believed!