The spiritual words Jesus spoke from His, mouth, words given from the mouth of the Father living in Him (John 14:10) , are meant for us to receive in our spirits. When these words abide in our spirits and we abide in this world doing the works of Jesus, we ‘shall ask what [we] will and it shall be done unto [us]’ (John 15:7).This is just one of the many rewards we shall receive for letting God , which is the word – live and work both in and through us. If we do the will of God, then all things God owns, which is the universe, belong to us as well. The work of God can never be accomplished by human feelings, reasoning, thinking, sensations or pity. So faith always looks at God, while feelings behold self – read your newspapers, watch the news and see what devil-blinded self-willed people are doing in the world. Read the Bible and see what see what the men of faith do; a person of faith is like God, who is the same in the storm just as He also is on a beautiful sunny day.
We should surrender everything to Jesus by nailing our feelings, sensations and self will on the cross because when we live the cross life, we will experience a divine life of purity, holiness and perfection. Everything will be for God and nothing will be for self outside of what God has given us. Even the least desire outside of what God gives us must be nailed there as well. Once we have given up our own life to the cross, we are able to enjoy the bliss of God within, even, though we live in a world filled with doubting, unregenerate and wicked people. We are not to lose sight of God even though satanic spirits are living all around us
This is the true way of faith – remember to always watch and pray for the ‘days are evil’ Ephesians 5:16