The devil well-knowing that God loves man and also that God hates evil , in order to disconnect man from the loving God , he(the devil) plants evil in the path of man to make him fail to live the way the Lord desires him to live. The people that are free from the bondage of sin are not free because of their own power but only because of Our Lord Jesus who won at Calvary, nevertheless HE (Jesus) tells us to watch and pray always. It works in almost the same way; it’s about what you believe and whom you obey. Watch and pray – Jesus tells us here to watch and pray, this part that says watch is not solely focused on the physical but Christ is also telling us to watch in the spirit .When your spirit is connected with God, He will open up to you the plan of the enemy and you will not fall for his deceit, just like am going to show you in one experience. Because the devil is a spirit, all his plans are prepared in the spiritual realm before they show up in the physical.
I got a vision a few months ago , this happened one night as I was sitting on my bed trying to check out a few scriptures , i felt my spirit coming out of me , next I saw my self moving in space as if I was being carried by the wind into a place that looked like a desert. I happened to stop at one point but still floating in space , here I looked down just below me and saw two men seated on a big stone – as I stayed there a few minutes , I realised they were discussing about me , one of them looked like an Arab-that’s according to the way he was dressed. Now the other man asked the first one, saying ‘how are we going to stop this guy and that ministry and the first one replied saying ‘if I was able to stand in the presence of Moses in Egypt – I therefore will be able to stand in his way too. Here I realised that these were spirits of darkness, noting that they were talking of having existed thousands of years ago. The second demon asked the other, how are you going to do that and it explained the details of the plan. A few days later, the devil tried to trap me in the very way the Lord had shown me but I knew about every detail of this plan and so I got out of it the victor by Christ Jesus!
You can pray to God to open your spiritual eyes and ears, and He will guide you at least with those you could not easily resist or avoid - remember to watch and pray always
Glory to God!!!!!