Prosperity means having everything that is needed , a motor company makes the spare parts before they build the new cars , then they make the cars – that’s why when anything needs to be replaced on your car – the part is already prepared .They prepare what you’re going to need before you even buy your car .In the same way , everything you’re going to need for your vision was already prepared provided for even before you came on the scene , God had it all prepared -‘preplanned.
We should ask God, ‘Deliver to me what I need today’ 2 Peter 1:3 says that God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and Godliness. Well, you could ask, Brother David – where is it? - It is waiting for you to ask for it with confidence.
God is not short of anything we need but rather we may be asking for some things that are not ours - more to that , if you pursue the wrong assignment , you’re going to need things you can’t get , because the provision isn’t there unless the vision is yours , its some one else’s assignment and he has his own ware house .
Sometimes we make demands on God that he can’t supply because he can’t give us what doesn’t belong to us!
‘Again knowing God’s will for your life is the key to your prosperity’
The first step in getting into God’s will for your life is receiving Jesus in your life If you would like to begin following christ, reflect your desire by confessing this prayer below,
My Lord and my God , have mercy upon my soul , a sinner ; I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God (John 3:16).I believe that he died on the cross and shed his precious blood for the forgiveness of all my sins (Luke 23:33). I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead by the power of the Holy spirit and that he sits on the right hand of God at this moment, Hearing my confession of sin and this prayer.
I open up the door of my heart and i invite you into my heart , Lord Jesus , wash all my filthy sins away in the precious blood that you shed in my place on the cross at Calvary .You will not turn me away , you will forgive my sins and save my soul because your word says so.
I know that you've heard me , i know that you've answered me and i know that am saved . Thank you Jesus, for saving my soul.
Feel free to contact us; to let us know of your decision to follow Christ, we shall be glad to here from you. Plus, we shall send you a free salvation package to help you begin your journey with Jesus.
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