Friday, May 3, 2013


The Lord first visited me in 2003 and called me into salvation after He showed me how greatly I needed to take him as my savior, In this revelation, the Lord Jesus spoke to me and told me not to consider being under religious groups any more but to strictly follow and obey him alone .I will be sharing this particular testimony some time later but at this moment, I want to share with you a vision of my calling into ministry.
In 2006, while in my room just after a long prayer day – I got a vision while I was in a strange place (these visions usually begun while am sleeping but as it would continue to unfold, I would find my self sitting while seeing the continuation of the vision) back to the vision – While in this place, a vehicle that looked like a passenger van /school van came from one direction of the road and parked on one side of the road. From the side of the driver’s seat  there came a man and as He came out before any thing else I  heard voices of worship to him and through them I got to know that He was Jesus  ‘ the Christ’.
Another man came out from the other front seat and I heard Jesus referring to him as prophet Jeremiah of the Old Testament. He was standing next to Jesus, Now He (Jesus) touched him as well as speaking some words, and there He gave Jeremiah power to speak in many languages of the nations of the world .Jesus then told Jeremiah to come over to me and touch my tongue and he did so , then I saw close to me eight other young men  whom he also touched .
After that Jesus moved over to me  and told me ‘ Go now and wash your  clothes because it is you that am sending tomorrow ‘  - I followed this instruction and washed my clothes and as I was going to lay them some where to dry  He spoke to me saying ‘ Look , don’t  place your clothes on those thorns  , find a better place’ , and I did just that. Shortly after , when the clothes had dried  , I got them out , prepared  my self and got into this van with the other young men , Prophet Jeremiah in one of the front seats and Jesus (in the driver’s seat).From here the van headed to some place where  Jesus said we had an assignment to accomplish and there it ended , the last section of this vision unfolded while my eyes were wide open-sitting on my bed .
This brought about many questions in my mind and when I asked God to come clear this whole thing , He spoke to me about 16 hours from the time I got that vision and said ‘ Son , a time is coming when am going to perform great and wonderful things through you’  . This confirmed all other statements I’d heard from the Lord and in 2009, He spoke to me saying – ‘the time is now that you should begin to do what I told you in 2003!’ This was the birth of Gifted Divine Christian Ministries.
Glory to God!

Yours in Ministry
Ssekamwa David   (
Gifted Divine Christian Ministries international