Saturday, April 16, 2011


We’re living in times where the presence of God and conformity to his word is all that counts .As we go through our bibles we shall get to discover that our actual peace, joy, happiness, success, prosperity name them are all In the hand of God .It may not be easy to understand this or even believe it since many people believe in what I may call the ‘Law of accident’ which says – ‘Life is a series of random occurrences and things just happen by accident ‘.People who live by this standard tend to be negative , pessimistic and helpless !
God gave us principles and directions to live by in order to have a successful and prosperous life here and here after .These directions, laws and commands are found in the word of God ‘Bible’ and if only we meditate upon it and give in our lives to live by it, then shall we be able to dwell in the promises of God .Often times we try to follow God in some areas and then go our way or rather do our will in other areas.
Think about this , if you had been listening to a health program and the presenter was mentioning the several ways of preventing yourself from catching a deadly contagious disease and you happen to take just part of the information  and strictly followed that only , If the  epidemic  gets to your neighborhood , you may not be in place to survive it  - perhaps because you missed out on some of the vital information to do with total prevention .This is what happens when we disregard part of God’s word and follow just part of it , we fall prey to failure , deprivation ,and denial.
The Lord has delivered you! Through his death and resurrection he has already provided you with absolute victory in every area of your life .The problem is not with his giving ….. It is with our receiving. Think about times when you ‘ve tried to tune a radio to a particular station and you’ll see what I mean .If the radio is not set to the right frequency  , you can’t hear what its broadcasting .What do you do when that happens ? You don’t call the station and say there’s something wrong with their equipment .You don’t wonder if they are off air  - you know enough about technology to understand the problem is not with their transmitting , it is with your receiver . So you check your batteries or keep adjusting it until you can hear the station loud and clear.
We need to have the spiritual sense to operate the same way with God .If we’re not receiving what he has promised us in the Bible , we should stop assuming  He is with-holding it from us .Instead  , we should trust that God is faithful and go to work to find out what adjustments  we must make to receive from him .We should grab our Bible  , ask the holyspirit to show us how to tune in to the blessing of God  and look for scriptures that reveal how God operates  - scriptures like Genesis 26:2-3  - there God said to Isaac during a time of famine; “ Go not down in Egypt ; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of; sojourn in this land and I will be with thee ; for unto thee and unto thy seed  , I will give all nations , and I will perform the oath (the word) which I swore unto Abraham your father “
Notice that God said he would perform for Isaac the oath or the word, he gave to Abraham. He didn’t say sometimes I will perform that word and sometimes I won’t - No he said “I will perform it

 God can only let this blessing come upon you  if you believe Jesus and confess salvation, then and only then  will  you become part of the seed of Abraham that God  promised this blessing ,If you've decided to follow Christ today , reflect your desire by confessing this prayer below ,

My Lord and my God , have mercy upon my soul , a sinner ; I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God (John 3:16).I believe that he died on the cross and shed his precious blood for the forgiveness of all my sins (Luke 23:33). I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit and that he sits on the right hand of God at this moment, Hearing my confession of sin and this prayer.
I open up the door of my heart and i invite you into my heart , Lord Jesus , wash all my filthy sins away in the precious blood that you shed in my place on the cross at Calvary .You will not turn me away  , you will forgive my sins and save my soul because your word says so.
I know that you've heard me , I know that you've answered me and i know that am saved . Thank you Jesus, for saving my soul.

Feel free to contact us; to let us know of your decision to follow Christ, we shall be glad to here from you. Plus, we shall send you a free salvation package to help you begin your journey with Jesus.

We are grateful for the generous gifts of our members and other supporters who voluntarily contribute to support this work. We do not solicit the general public for funds; however contributions to help us share this message of hope with others are welcomed

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